
How to Switch Manufacturers for Liquid Dietary Supplements

man holding a liquid supplement manufacturing

Choosing the right liquid dietary supplement contract manufacturer is a critical decision in the lifecycle of any supplement brand. Over time, the needs of your brand can change, and sometimes this means the manufacturing partnership that once seemed perfect no longer aligns with your evolving priorities. It might be a matter of capabilities, scale, or even a shift in your brand’s values.

There are several reasons brands might contemplate a switch. It could be driven by the need for more advanced equipment, stricter adherence to regulations, better communication, or simply the pursuit of a more efficient production process. But no matter the reason, the decision to transition to a new manufacturer is significant.

To aid in this transition, we’ve crafted this guide. It’s a straightforward, step-by-step walkthrough designed to make the process of switching to a new liquid dietary supplement manufacturer smooth and efficient. So, without further ado, let’s get started.

Step 1: Dive Deep with Potential Manufacturers

Before making any decision, you need to gather ample information to make your future final decision. When it comes to selecting a manufacturer for your liquid dietary supplements, this becomes even more paramount. The success of your products, and by extension, your brand, largely depends on your manufacturer’s expertise and reliability.

Start by putting on your detective hat and getting to the bottom of what potential manufacturers can truly offer. Yes, a website or brochure can provide an overview, but there’s no substitute for direct communication.

A preliminary chat can be incredibly revealing. Are they more focused on large-scale production and might not be the best fit for a boutique brand like yours? Do they focus on small batch manufacturing and cannot scale beyond small runs of product for narrow niches?  

When you’re vetting potential manufacturing partners to replace your current or former one, gather these key pieces of information from each prospective contract manufacturer: 

  • Their GMP certification status. This ensures they adhere to good manufacturing practices.
  • Their standing with the FDA, which can be a testament to their compliance and quality.
  • Their specific supplement formulation experience in the realm of liquid dietary supplements.
  • Their track record in replicating or tweaking products.
  • The availability of a dedicated contact for your brand – because nothing beats personalized service.
  • Their willingness to provide detailed access to formula specifics.
  • Their quality control process to minimize risk and ensure consumer safety. 

All of these data points indicate a manufacturer that is not only capable but credible. They possess the necessary certifications and have established a reputation in the industry for their quality. You’ll be able to more confidently narrow down your options with this information in hand. Be sure to also verify their claims with any supplemental research of your own. 

Step 2: Delving into Formulation and Packaging

Your product’s identity is a culmination of its formula and its presentation. Once you’re in sync with a potential manufacturer, it’s time to discuss the nitty-gritty.

Most manufacturers will offer a prototype formula based on their understanding of your needs. However, if you’re coming to the table with a specific formula idea, or perhaps a previous version that needs refinement, ensure this is communicated.

Packaging is often an overlooked aspect, but think about it: How many times have you been drawn to (or repelled by) a product based on its packaging alone? It’s not just about aesthetics, but also about functionality and environmental considerations. Does your target audience prefer eco-friendly packaging? Would a dropper be more effective than a spray nozzle for your supplement? These are points to ponder and discuss.

And here’s a pro tip: Even if you’re clear about what you want, always be open to recommendations from the manufacturer. Their experience might introduce you to options you hadn’t considered and could enhance your product line quality even further. 

If you’re looking for a new manufacturer that can replicate an existing formula, be sure to also cover these essential aspects: 

  • If the strength and composition are meeting your brand’s promise.
  • Whether there’s room to improve or innovate with solvents, excipients, and preservatives.
  • If a packaging refresh might rejuvenate your product’s appeal.

Formula replication requires some initial collaboration with your new manufacturer, but by participating in the process and remaining communicative with them, you stand a much higher chance of a successful formula replication with your new partner. 

Step 3: Navigating Quote Approval and R&D

With the groundwork laid, you’ll receive a quote from the manufacturer. It’s essential to dissect this thoroughly, ensuring it encompasses all discussed elements without hidden surprises.

Negotiation is part of business. If the quote feels steep or if certain elements need tweaking, don’t hesitate to go back to the drawing board. The goal is a win-win scenario for both parties.

Once the financials are settled, the magic truly begins with the Research and development phase. This is where your product starts its journey from concept to reality. After developing a sample, your approval will be sought. It’s essential to be both prompt and precise with feedback.

A crucial aspect to remember post-sample approval is the lead time for mass production. Different manufacturers have varied timelines, and it’s crucial to factor this into your business strategy, especially if you have launch dates or marketing campaigns in mind. For example, at Yellow Emperor, ours is usually about 12 weeks once the final-version formula is approved. 

Switch to Yellow Emperor Today and Enhance Your Liquid Dietary Supplements

At Yellow Emperor, we’ve served as a trusted contract manufacturer for liquid dietary supplements since 1981. Committed to preserving the formulation wisdom of the old world with the most innovative manufacturing practices and insights of today, we merge the best in liquid product formulation to enhance your product offering. Even if we’re replicating your current formula, we’ll do it better. 

To learn more about partnering with Yellow Emperor for your liquid supplements, get a quote from us today. 

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