
Chinese Herbs, US grown

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Chinese Herbs, US grown

We here at Yellow Emperor take our supply chain seriously. It is also important to us that we decrease our CO2 emissions by sourcing locally. However, when it comes to Chinese herbs, there seems to be no way around sourcing from across the Pacific. Simply put, not many US farms grow Chinese herbs.In our search, we found a group working to change that: Lilium Initiative. The folks there are educating farmers on the ways to grow traditional Chinese medicinal herbs here in the United States. That is a goal we are happy to support.

To that end, Yellow Emperor donated $2,000 towards funding a grant writer so that Lilium Initiative can expand their program work. This expansion includes an organoleptic training for farmers and herbalists. We are look forward to working with them more in the future to increase the availability of US-grown traditional Chinese medicinal herbs.

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