
Herb Highlights: Kelp


Herb Highlights: Kelp


The order of kelp, Laminariales, is made up of 30 different genera of brown algae.1 Kelp frequently develops into underwater forests that support a large number of animals2 from sea urchins to sea otters – and more!3 This ancient plant1 has a lot of nutritional value to humans as well. In addition to containing dietary fiber, it also contains proteins, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals, including iodine and magnesium.4

Kelp Ice Cream?

Kelp, or more specifically algin extracted from kelp, is used in food products like salad dressing, dairy products, frozen foods, and other desserts.5 In fact, its use has warranted aquaculture in many states across the US6 and throughout the world.7 And, it is not just food products, but also personal care products like toothpaste and lotion that use kelp as a natural thickener.8

Keeping Kelp Forests Healthy

The nutritional value of kelp and the usefulness of algin to humans highlights the importance of its conservation. It is not just ocean acidification, warming ocean temperatures, and other climate change issues that impact kelp forests. It is also invasive species, over-fishing, and pollution that are causing harm to our ocean’s kelp forests.9 For example, over-fishing eliminates biodiversity and healthy food chains. In fact, an increase in sea urchin populations, which are known to destroy entire kelp forest stands, are “mowing” down entire kelp forests.5 In order to survive, kelp forests rely on healthy sea star and sea otter populations to keep sea urchin population in check.10 In fact, many of the kelp forests are located in marine protected areas so that they can be preserved and protected.5


1 – Kelp – Britannica

2 – Kelp – Wikipedia

3 – Kelp Forest – Wikipedia

4 – Kelp: Benefits, Uses, Side Effects | Organic Facts

5 – Kelp Forests | NOAA’s National Ocean Service

6 – Kelp Aquaculture in Washington State | Washington Sea Grant

7 – Aquaculture of Giant Kelp – Wikipedia

8 – Kelp Forests | Oceana

9 – Kelp Forests – Channel Islands National Park

10 – Kelp Forests | NOAA’s National Marine Sanctuaries

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